Thursday, February 4, 2010


Help! Getting woken up through the night by very nasty mosquitoes in the new place. I've got this great stuff from the states- B.. Anti Bug Balm- but even that is not deterring them they are so desperate they are getting into any naked crevasse where the balm has not been put- like in between fingers and toes!!Ahhh!. Is it true that mozzies love people who are low in Vit B? a girl in a health shop told me that a while ago. What do you think? Catherine
That's absolute crap. I piss the stuff and they adore me. In fact recent science has shown that the little bitches are attracted to people who have a high level of B12 and Folate in their blood. Can you believe this? the bitches want to make sure their offspring don't get neural tube defect. Unbelievable. You knew only female mozzies bite, didn't you? (the boys are just born, mate and die, what a short sweet life).
So how do you protect yourself? well, apart from having screens on every window, you know those things you plug in electric sockets, and you put a little mat of insecticide in? They work really well. "But! i hear you say, shouldn't we avoid chemicals?" Yes, as much as possible, but we are going to use some anyway and remember mosquitoes carry lots of diseases (such as Ross River, Dengue Fever, Barmah Forest, Australian Encephalitis, to name a few) and if you react badly to their bites this aggravates your immune system, which then causes a drop in your immune response to other things. And there is all the aggravation of not getting a good night sleep. Also you will be absorbing a lot of the 'balm' through your skin anyway. The mosquito 'zappers' are actually species specific and they don't touch other insects such as fleas for instance. So i doubt they would have much of a deleterious effect on humans. Kill them! (obviously this is not a blog favoured by strict Buddhists, but when i dispatch a loathsome insect, I always say: "Off you go, to a better reincarnation!"

1 comment:

  1. They eat me alive so i normally cover myself in 'Bushmans' insect spray as it's the only one that keeps them off me, It is highly chemical heavy though. Or the easiest is just to use a over-the-bed mozzie net!
